I love story boards.. I have 100 ideas for story boards but never get out there to get them done, some I have managed at home that I can share, but alot I need to go out on location to do, which I will, when I manage to find a day where Lauren and I have the time, and patient children to do it lol.. In the meantime here are some I 'arsed' earlier lol... Very poor photography wise and really, they aren't 'set up' story boards.. Just the kids playing at home and me capturing it, and one little 'event' I managed to shoot..
Just Lit

Starting to sparkle
Really sparkling

Really sparkling

All finished
The Girls playing hide and seek
Found you!
It's my turn to hide, get out!
Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies
A tissue, A tissue
We all fall down!
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