Monday, 17 November 2008


Hi everyone.
Well these blogs have been around for a while, but I am a slow learner and have only just found it!!

So about me, I am Jade, 25 years old and a proud mummy of two girls, Diva (4) and Bruiser (1) naturally not their real names, but their personality descriptions lol.
I am married and have been for 3 years, to my wonderful Husband who is 32, we have been together for almost 8 years though!

My hobbies have always been photography and in the last few years scrap booking, but took neither seriously until this year when I met the wonderful Lauren and Darren who let me into their photography world and showed me that photography can be so much more than just a hobby. They have apprenticed me (is that even a word?) and taught me so much already that I can't wait to learn all they have to offer over the coming years.
You can check out what they do at If you are in Brissy, give them a call they are so flexible with your needs and wants and so wonderfully talented.

So I am a 'pre-amature' lol and have SO much to learn. I spend hours looking through photographer's blogs and sites and just sit in awe of their talent and creativity.

I thought that I could blog my journey from beginner to (hopefully) professional over the next ooo, lets say 15 years lol. And hope that one day I can be half as good as some of the blogs I have seen.

Thanks for joining me on this journey, and I hope you find it entertaining and enlightening.

Jade xxxx

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