Saturday, 22 November 2008

Sunsets, glorious sunsets

They really speak for themselves don't they? I love when mother nature gives us a beautiful back drop to look at. I also love being able to sit in my pergola and admire the sunsets. Here are a few pics of sunsets I have taken. One I took on my old Fuji fine pix camera, before I got my new set up, but I still love the picture. Mum wants them put on canvasses for her lol.
Enjoy :)

This one was taken on my fuji.

Friday, 21 November 2008

The flood and storm pictures continued

Here are some more for you guys!

Kinda looks like an eye..

I thought a twister was going to drop out of that cloud

Sunbeams through the threatening clouds

The train station after the land slide...

I know our tanks need filling, but this is a bit extreme lol.

We're swimming!

well haven't we been hammered over the last week.
We have had some very nasty storms roll in since Sunday evening and the damage in SEQ is, well, quite devastating.
Here are some pictures I managed to take over the last few days of the sky talking and the floods and the Diva who decided that even though mummy repeatedly said DON'T GO NEAR THE FLOOD WATER, IT WILL SWEEP YOU AWAY.... went and stuck her feet in anyway ... KIDS!!


Oh and just so we all know, shooting floods with a 12mth old and a 4yr old is really hard work, because you cant get into the good shooting posi's (that is my excuse and I am sticking to it lol)

I will add more pics in a new post.

This is our river walk... Irony?

The Diva

Well DUH!!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

I want candy!!

I took these of the kids On the weekend, No I am not a mass breeder, they aren't all mine lol. two are Lauren and Darren's and two are mine! It was Maddison's (bruiser) first real lollipop and she absolutely loved it! And the big kids actually almost ate all of theirs.. I like how even at 4, 5 and 6 the gigantic lollipop still wins!!

The Diva's boudoir

Yes these are pictures of Brideah-Jade's room, yes Brideah-Jade is aka as Diva and as you glimpse through the pictures of the before and afters of her room, you may start to get an idea of why she is called Diva!! This took me over an hour the first time to clean and an hour the second (yes, there was another clean in between taking these pictures) seems my daughter loves a messy room, I do not understand why though!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Good ol' Queensland storms!

Well we get some glorious storms out here, and we have had some beauties in the last couple of weeks. Out I go with my camera, in wind rain and hail to capture it!! Of course they aren't as great as I want and I am to much of a chicken to get right out there... So From the saftey of my pergola and as brave as the water feature is my extent lol.

Not the best photo's but enjoy!

Meet us!

This is the Husband, he likes to sleep and also doesn't like me taking pictures of him. So all the pics you will probably see will be him sleeping or playing on the jet ski.
This is 'Diva' don't let the innocent eyes fool you!! haha.

This is Bruiser! She loves to bash her head, fall down, crawls head first down everything, but now we are walking we like just stepping off the step lol. Image courtesy of Photo Synergy.

Oh and this is me!! Image courtesy of Photo Synergy


Hi everyone.
Well these blogs have been around for a while, but I am a slow learner and have only just found it!!

So about me, I am Jade, 25 years old and a proud mummy of two girls, Diva (4) and Bruiser (1) naturally not their real names, but their personality descriptions lol.
I am married and have been for 3 years, to my wonderful Husband who is 32, we have been together for almost 8 years though!

My hobbies have always been photography and in the last few years scrap booking, but took neither seriously until this year when I met the wonderful Lauren and Darren who let me into their photography world and showed me that photography can be so much more than just a hobby. They have apprenticed me (is that even a word?) and taught me so much already that I can't wait to learn all they have to offer over the coming years.
You can check out what they do at If you are in Brissy, give them a call they are so flexible with your needs and wants and so wonderfully talented.

So I am a 'pre-amature' lol and have SO much to learn. I spend hours looking through photographer's blogs and sites and just sit in awe of their talent and creativity.

I thought that I could blog my journey from beginner to (hopefully) professional over the next ooo, lets say 15 years lol. And hope that one day I can be half as good as some of the blogs I have seen.

Thanks for joining me on this journey, and I hope you find it entertaining and enlightening.

Jade xxxx