Ahh Mr Spooks, our beloved cat! He makes us laugh (and cry) at the same time! Spooks LOVES to fight.. He has been desexed yet seems to attract male cats to his territory, and well, what better way to get rid of them but to fight?? The problem is HE CANNOT FIGHT to save his life. Now funny to think of a cat fighting knowing he can't and still trying. Not so funny the re-occurring vet bills. We keep him inside at night to help stop this fighting, but seems that he goes looking for it during the day (rolling my eyes here lol)
So this is the most recent effort by our Spooky, he had some mystery illness that stemmed from a fight injury, spent almost a week in hospital, we were told we may very well lose him, and cost us a pretty penny (thank GOD for pet insurance!!) Here he is all bruised and battered on his first night home from the vet. As you can see, he is most unimpressed lol...
They had to shave his neck to extract blood from his jugular and he had a drip and also another shaved area on his leg for injections of other things... quite complex lol.